Teamwork in Professional Context

I.  Gain the attention of the audience by using a quotation about teamwork in the workplace
II. Explain the purpose of the presentation
III. Preview the body:
A. What is teamwork?
B. Explain the importance of teamwork
C. Pros and cons of teamwork

I. Discuss the fundamental characteristics of different team members in various workplaces.
II. Explain why teamwork is important:
A. In personal life (example)
B. In social communication (example)
C. In the workplace (example)

I. Summarize the main points
II. Formulate the final statement that finishes my speech smoothly
III. Do you have any questions?
IV. Thank you for your attention

Riggio.R.E. (2015, January 15th). Characteristics of Good Work Team Members. Psychology Today. Retrieved July 27th, 2016 from
Medsker, G.J., Campion, M.A., "Job and Team Design," in Salvendy, G., Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics, pp. 450 - 489, Interscience, 18 Apr 1997. Retrieved July 27th, 2016 from